Whales on the Move: Experience an Epic Migration From the San Diego Coast
January 3rd, 2018


This time of year, you can mix up the fine dining, theater- and concert- and museum-going, craft-beer tasting, historical sightseeing, and all the other cosmopolitan pleasures of San

Dr. Seuss’ “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”
October 26th, 2010|SofiaBlog


America’s favorite holiday fable, back for its 13th incredible year, is a wonderful, whimsical production that will once again jump right off the pages of the classic Dr. Seuss book and onto the Old Globe’s stage. Come take part in the fun as the Old Globe Theatre is transformed into the snow-covered Whoville right down to the last can of Who-hash!

Ghostbusters Movie Night on the USS Midway
October 20th, 2010|SofiaBlog


A spooktacular night aboard the USS Midway featuring the classic comedic movie Ghostbusters! Grab your proton-packs, friends and family and watch the ultimate 80’s classic comedy about three ghost exterminators. Special appearances by the “Midway Ghostbusters Crew” and “Marshmallow Man”!

The Glory Man at Lamb’s Players Theatre Through Nov 7
October 19th, 2010|SofiaBlog


The Glory Man
Lamb’s Players
Price: $22 – $58
Description: A play with music reminiscent of films like O Brother, Where Art Thou, steeped in the infectious sounds of Roots music and Gospel, this world premiere will inspire audiences with the true-life story of Clarence Jordan and his legacy, which included the start of Habitat for Humanity.

Beauty And The Beast at the Civic Theatre
October 18th, 2010|SofiaBlog


This multiple Tony nominee had an epic Broadway run, lasting 13 years until it closed in 2007. The family-minded show is based on the Oscar-winning movie and includes such tunes as “Be Our Guest.” Oct. 26-31, Civic Theatre.

10th Annual Fall Back Festival
October 12th, 2010|SofiaBlog


10th Annual Fall Back Festival – 11/07/10 On November 7, the 10th annual Gaslamp Quarter Fall Back Festival brings alive the history and culture of downtown San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter.